Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Online Virus Scan

One of the biggest threats everyone faces who likes to surf the net is viruses. The nasty little programs can actually cause irreparable damage to your computer. Having a method of checking whether your computer is affected is important. If you don’t have virus software installed on your desktop or laptop computer, you can utilize the Internet by using an online virus scan. These programs are efficient and in many cases, free.

The first thing to look for when you want to scan your computer for viruses using an online site is how reliable the site itself is. Many naïve individuals have followed a link to a site that claims to offer an online virus scan only to find that they need to download something that ultimately proves to be a virus. The best sites to visit are those that are well-known and that have a solid reputation behind them.

Once you find a site you trust you need to set aside some time for the scan to do its work. It’s best to not be running many different programs while the online virus scan is on. This will only slow down both the scan itself but it will also make whatever programs you are using, move at a much slower pace as well. The best thing to do is to let the scan finish before attempting to use the machine.

Many sites that offer this free service have an ulterior motive. Although they’ll allow you to use their online virus scan at your own pace, you’ll need to pay a fee to clear your machine of any viruses that are found. This is frustrating once you realize that you do have a virus present on your computer.

If this does happen you have two different choices. One is to pay the fee and allow the program to rid your machine of the viruses, this typically involves a download. The other is to invest in your own virus software.

Many Internet providers actually offer their clients some extra perks when they sign a contract. One may be a virus scanning tool. This is similar to the online virus scan in that you visit the service provider’s website to download the software. As long as you stay with that company you’ll have access to the free software. This can actually save a few pennies and is often a good route to take.

Purchasing your own software works well too. Most common scanners allow you to have free updates for up to a year, which means you’ll always have the most recent virus definitions. Keeping your computer free of annoying intruders is your main goal, so pick a virus scanner today and start using it as soon as you can.

Best Online Casinos

I have never been much for gambling. The mere thought of losing my hard-earned cash at the toss of some dice bums me out. I would be that irate customer who wants his money back. Or maybe I would just demand that the casino cheated. This of course would probably get me thrown out. And that's why I don't really gamble. The occasional slot machine will do me just fine. Now, on the other end of the spectrum, there is my best buddy, James. This guy lives to gamble. In all honesty it gets on my nerves. He's the dude I have to watch every moment when he hit up Vegas for the weekend. And to make things worse, he loves to test out the best online casinos. It's a never-ending game for this fellow.

If you really think about it, I guess some of the best online casinos simplify things. All of the gambling fiends, who dart down to Vegas or Atlantic City on a routine basis, don't really have to anymore. Well, at least they don't have to if they don't want to. It's pretty much standard these days to have a computer in your home with Internet access. So that means you can kick back on the sofa and indulge in the best online casinos. Play a game of cards with your mouse or try your luck with a blackjack table. This is basically a wave of the future in your face. Fortunately for my mother in-law, her husband doesn't use the Internet. I doubt that guy has even heard of the best online casinos. You see, he has what most would call a gambling addiction. It's sad really; he makes a great income as a contractor, but the guy always gambles it away. It's a redundant joke amongst the relatives. We all just shake our heads in confusion. You'd think he'd get the clue and stop at some point. I can only imagine how many million he's lost to the old casinos.

Gambling is a fun past-time for some. It's an addiction for others. Any way you cut it, gambling is not meant to be a career choice. You want to know why? It's a gamble! There is no steady income, because you can't determine the outcome. Therefore, whether you're dealing with some of the best online casinos, or taking a trip to Vegas, you should be careful of what you're getting into. Don't go overboard!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Animated cursor

As far as I am concerned, the cursor that I need on my computer is a simple tool that enables me to see just where I need to type. Notice that I used the word ‘need’ to describe it because that is what it is – an essential, functional item that enables me to be more productive. Now, I know that there are scores of bored and weird computer programmers sitting out there with nothing better to do, but I can for the life of me imagine why anyone of them could have come up with an invention as stupid as the animated cursor.

Each time I see an animated cursor, it makes my blood boil. Maybe I should explain myself on that one. You see, my little nephew, who pretends to have been born with radical computer skills visited me once. And in the brief while that he asked for my permission to check his mail on my home computer, he had managed to change the desktop settings, hide all my files and folders and worst of all, managed to replace my beautifully functional cursor with an animated cursor.

Now I’m no luddite and hence managed to change the rest of the things back to their original shape and form. But the animated cursor really troubled me. And I couldn’t even use the blasted thing. It was a whirling wheel that didn’t allow me to point at anything at all. I mean, how does one point with an animated cursor in the shape of a circle? And with a job like mine that entails drawing complex diagrams, I could barely use the confounded animated cursor.

Ever since, I’ve had a healthy distaste for animated cursors of all kinds. And each time I see someone else with an animated cursor, I’m sorely tempted to rip their computer apart and knock them on the head, all the while saying, ‘how come you manage to point with that animated thing?’ Think about it. An animated cursor comes in all sorts of shapes except one that is conducive to helping it do what it is supposed to! I must admit though that I did come across one that was very pointed. It was shaped like a sword. But in general, in order to be animated, these cursors take the most confounded shapes. I’ve even seen one shaped like a dog for heaven’s sake.

While I am sure that there are a lot of people who do enjoy these animated cursors, I’m pretty sure that I’ll never learn to love them. Unless it is effective and functional and not animated. Which would make it unlike any animated cursor I’ve ever seen!

Accounting programs

There was a time when small businesses, especially mom and pop stores could get away without maintaining accounts of any sort. In fact, the sole reason why they were classified as mom and pop stores were because the business was run in an ad hoc manner. But with increasing number of people opting for small businesses and the entrepreneurial initiatives being fostered by governments worldwide, these businesses to have come to represent a large part of the gross domestic produce of countries worldwide. This is where the need for complete accountings programs surfaced and which is why, it has become a big issues for all businesses.

There are various accounting programs structured to cater to the needs of all kinds of businesses. While the smaller stores use standalone accounting programs and smaller, single user license versions of the more popular accounting programs; the larger stores need to use a comprehensive suite of accounting programs. Be that as it may, the fact remains that all businesses, large or small, need to use accounting programs of some sort in order to streamline their operations and to comply with governmental regulations.

One of the simplest accounting programs available in the market today is Microsoft Money. While most computers bought in the United States of America come pre loaded with this accounting program, it is applicable only for personal finance calculations or maybe small business needs. But as accounting programs go, it is fairly well designed to cater to the needs of smaller businesses. Which explains its popularity in terms of number of users who use it as their primary accounting program.

A slightly more evolved accounting program is something that has come to be branded and sold as Tally. Like the name reveals, this is an accounting program that caters to the needs of smaller businesses, where the accounting operation is primarily a function that tallies stock (either available or sold) with the cash available in the machines at the counter. That’s not all. An accounting program like Tally comes with a customizable interface making it scalable for a variety of business operations. So smaller businesses even in the services sector are able to use it to streamline their processes.

Today, the wide array of accounting programs available in the market make it easier for businesses not only to organize themselves, but also to comply with local, national and global requirements. Every business thus can adopt and deploy the best practices that make globalization beneficial to one and all.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Advanced Monitors Systems For Latest Computer

A computer monitor or the Visual Display Unit is a very important part in a computer. This is where the displaying of images, data etc from the computer is done. There are various types of computer displays available in the market nowadays. Apart from the CRT displays that used to be the most used until few years back, there are Flat Panels and LCDs that are available now.

There are quite a few things to be considered before buying a computer monitor. The size is one of the factors to be considered. Sizes come from 15", 17", 19" and 21". The larger the display size, the greater the expense. A 17" is ideal where the computer is used for a considerable amount of time of more than 2 hours. For graphics art and such things, the monitor required should be 21" as it would prove useful. One thing to be noted is that even though the size of the screen could be 15", 17" etc the viewable size need not be the same. It would be definitely less than that, according to the manufacturer.

The resolution is the next thing to be considered. This is the clarity with which the picture is seen in a computer monitor. This can depend on the size of the monitor. The resolution is measured in Pixel counts. It is required to be cautious while following the ads from the manufacturers as they might give ads that are impossible to happen, for example a resolution of 1600x1200p for a 15" monitor! The ideal resolutions for a 15" screen is 800x600 or 1024x768, for a 17" screen 1280x1024, 19" screen 1280x1024 and for 21"screen 1600x1200. This is the maximum of resolution capacity by the respective dimensions.

The refresh rate also has to be considered while buying a screen. This is the number of times the screen is redrawn. The recommended refresh rate comes to 75MHz, for a standard monitor. The controls are the next thing to be noticed. Controls are the way the different aspects or features of the computer are controlled. Adjustment of different features of the monitor has to be possible, for strain-free watching and working.

There are various advantages and disadvantages in both CRT monitors and LCDs. While CRTs are quite reliable and have a longer life, they occupy lot of desk space and also are not as clear as the LCDs, who save a lot of desk space and also are not as heavy as CRT monitors, but LCD monitors have to be taken utmost care in order to have a long life. In short, monitors are of various types and forms. It depends on the user to choose the monitors according to their need and necessity

Virus Threats Devloped For Latest Computer Systems

Computer Virus threats are neither surprising nor new on the Web. They are stepping towards newer technologies such as VoIP and instant messengers. With advancement in the features available on the Internet, hackers continue to drive malware. This underlines an importance of being aware and secure when traversing the Web. Antivirus Installation is must in each and every computer attached to Internet.

Predictions for top security threats in 2008 are:

• Increase in Password Staling Websites: There will certainly be a rise in the number of attacks seeking to capture a user's ID and password by displaying fake sign-in pages. Online services will primarily be targeted to spread virus and malware. As opposed to this, the attacks on ISPs are likely to decline, while those aimed at the financial sector will move with the same pace.

• Increase in Spamming: Spamming will continue to grow, accounting for 40 per cent of the total spam received as compared to 10 per cent a year ago. There has been a significant rise in the incidence of image spam and others such as pump-and-dump stocks, pharmacy, and degree spam.

• Increase in IM Attacks: Instant messaging client is gaining wide popularity among Internet-savvy. They are always in search of better messengers to communicate on the web. Since instant messengers feature a number of exclusive features such as file transfer & webcam support, the virus attacks on these applications may increase in near future.

• Increase in Online Gaming Attacks: Online gaming is both the source of entertainment and money for several companies which allow their registered members to buy virtual goods to continue the game. The computer virus attackers may try to target these virtual goods to make real money.

• Increase in Windows Vista Attacks: The attackers and hackers generally seek to take advantage of flaws present in the operating systems. Since Windows Vista, the latest version of Microsoft Windows is believed to be affected by critical vulnerabilities, the hackers may try to inject virus into the affected systems.

• Increase in Phishing Attacks: Phishing attacks are expected to be one of the top 10 threats in 2008. With growth in number of incidence of using copies of original websites to trick the users to get their sensitive data, the phishing attacks can increase.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Computer Technology For Good Career Prospects

One of the most promising careers a young person can look into these days is information technology, commonly referred to as IT. Those who are looking to forge a career in computer technology will need to find the right IT school for their needs. This field has all the potential to become a booming career choice for today's young adults.

Where to Look for an IT School

As most computer geeks know, finding out where to attend an IT program is as easy as clicking on an icon. There are many specialty schools that have opened whose curriculum is specifically geared for learning the arts and mysteries of the computer and its applications. Many of the conventional colleges and universities have added IT accreditation programs to their class offerings as well. What type of institution you attend will depend upon whether you want to go to a two or four year college and get a degree, or if you are just looking to attend a trade school that will give you a certificate or allow you to take a test in order to become accredited.

Online or In Person

You can take IT courses online too. If you have a full time job and no time to attend evening or weekend classes, you can find many accredited courses on line from very reputable institutions. This way you can go through the material at your own pace in the comfort of your home. It is convenient, easy and quite affordable. It may be something you might want to look into to further your future.

If you decide to attend school in person, you can go for your Doctorate, Master's, Bachelor's or Associate's degree in IT. If you do not want to take all the classes' necessary to get these types of degrees, you can take only courses that pertain to IT and can receive one of a wide variety of certificates from the various IT programs available.

Before You Choose

Get as much information from as many schools as you can before making any final decisions. Compare classes, prices and student to teacher ratios. Most schools will be more than happy to send you information regarding their degree or certification programs. It is wise to check out all your options before you sign your name on the dotted line. Your future is important, and choosing the right IT school for your career requirements is the first step towards that future.

Wholesale Computer Parts Dealers

If you have been shopping in the market for a new computer system, you might have noticed that most branded computers today have become highly unaffordable. Sure, prices have fallen in certain sectors that contribute to the making of computers. The prices of memory have hit an all time low due to the enhancements in manufacturing volumes of memory manufacturers. The prices of mother boards and other assorted computer innards have also fallen steeply. But the fact remains that the branded computer manufacturers are in the business to make their own profits. Therefore, despite the all around falling in prices that we have been witnessing, the prices of good computers have remained more or less constant!

Does this mean that a good computer system will always remain unaffordable? Not really! If you consider sourcing your computer from dealers who specialize in wholesale computer parts. Wholesale computer parts are an excellent way to source out and build your own computer. Most people are of the opinion that wholesale computer parts are in some way inferior to the parts available in branded computers. The same was the case with me. I always believed that wholesale computer parts were a means for cheap and inefficient computer parts manufacturers to offload their inferior stock on unsuspecting customers. Until my computer broke down recently that is. When I took it to the authorized dealer, I got a quote that was very high. Being unable to spare that much cash, and being desperately in need of having my computer restored, I grudgingly made my way to a nearby wholesale computer parts dealer.

What I saw there amazed and astounded me. This wholesale computer parts dealer has his own repair service. And when they opened up my computer and diagnosed the problem, the repair quote I got was a fraction of what the authorized dealer had given me. I was naturally curious as to what had created the difference and suspiciously eyed the wholesale computer parts on display. But the dealer opened up my computer to show me that the replacement parts would be the very same that my existing computer had. As installed by the original manufacturer. When I asked him how this was possible, he explained the wholesale computer parts business to me.

Apparently, most computer parts manufactures manufacture more parts than required by an order from a branded computer manufacturer. This is an in-built quality control feature in order to ensure that a sudden spurt in demand or a quality crisis can be handled quickly and efficiently. When the order is processed without incident, the excess parts are offloaded to wholesale computer parts dealers for a huge discount. These wholesale computer parts dealers then sell these equally good computer parts for a discount to users like you and me, who know better and are willing to invest the time and effort that it takes to build our own computers. Which means, that by buying the parts directly from wholesale computer parts dealers, we stand to make great savings!

The next time you want to go in for a computer purchase, do consider new source apart from the regular computer manufacturers. Consider sourcing out your computer from the wholesale computer parts dealers. And you’ll never regret your decision.