Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Online Virus Scan

One of the biggest threats everyone faces who likes to surf the net is viruses. The nasty little programs can actually cause irreparable damage to your computer. Having a method of checking whether your computer is affected is important. If you don’t have virus software installed on your desktop or laptop computer, you can utilize the Internet by using an online virus scan. These programs are efficient and in many cases, free.

The first thing to look for when you want to scan your computer for viruses using an online site is how reliable the site itself is. Many naïve individuals have followed a link to a site that claims to offer an online virus scan only to find that they need to download something that ultimately proves to be a virus. The best sites to visit are those that are well-known and that have a solid reputation behind them.

Once you find a site you trust you need to set aside some time for the scan to do its work. It’s best to not be running many different programs while the online virus scan is on. This will only slow down both the scan itself but it will also make whatever programs you are using, move at a much slower pace as well. The best thing to do is to let the scan finish before attempting to use the machine.

Many sites that offer this free service have an ulterior motive. Although they’ll allow you to use their online virus scan at your own pace, you’ll need to pay a fee to clear your machine of any viruses that are found. This is frustrating once you realize that you do have a virus present on your computer.

If this does happen you have two different choices. One is to pay the fee and allow the program to rid your machine of the viruses, this typically involves a download. The other is to invest in your own virus software.

Many Internet providers actually offer their clients some extra perks when they sign a contract. One may be a virus scanning tool. This is similar to the online virus scan in that you visit the service provider’s website to download the software. As long as you stay with that company you’ll have access to the free software. This can actually save a few pennies and is often a good route to take.

Purchasing your own software works well too. Most common scanners allow you to have free updates for up to a year, which means you’ll always have the most recent virus definitions. Keeping your computer free of annoying intruders is your main goal, so pick a virus scanner today and start using it as soon as you can.

Best Online Casinos

I have never been much for gambling. The mere thought of losing my hard-earned cash at the toss of some dice bums me out. I would be that irate customer who wants his money back. Or maybe I would just demand that the casino cheated. This of course would probably get me thrown out. And that's why I don't really gamble. The occasional slot machine will do me just fine. Now, on the other end of the spectrum, there is my best buddy, James. This guy lives to gamble. In all honesty it gets on my nerves. He's the dude I have to watch every moment when he hit up Vegas for the weekend. And to make things worse, he loves to test out the best online casinos. It's a never-ending game for this fellow.

If you really think about it, I guess some of the best online casinos simplify things. All of the gambling fiends, who dart down to Vegas or Atlantic City on a routine basis, don't really have to anymore. Well, at least they don't have to if they don't want to. It's pretty much standard these days to have a computer in your home with Internet access. So that means you can kick back on the sofa and indulge in the best online casinos. Play a game of cards with your mouse or try your luck with a blackjack table. This is basically a wave of the future in your face. Fortunately for my mother in-law, her husband doesn't use the Internet. I doubt that guy has even heard of the best online casinos. You see, he has what most would call a gambling addiction. It's sad really; he makes a great income as a contractor, but the guy always gambles it away. It's a redundant joke amongst the relatives. We all just shake our heads in confusion. You'd think he'd get the clue and stop at some point. I can only imagine how many million he's lost to the old casinos.

Gambling is a fun past-time for some. It's an addiction for others. Any way you cut it, gambling is not meant to be a career choice. You want to know why? It's a gamble! There is no steady income, because you can't determine the outcome. Therefore, whether you're dealing with some of the best online casinos, or taking a trip to Vegas, you should be careful of what you're getting into. Don't go overboard!